The Soul Star Chakra, also known as the "seat of the soul," is the chakra that connects you to your higher self. This chakra also holds all of the information about your past lives, and your Akashic Records. Situated above your head, it serves as a repository, a kind of mystical vault where the knowledge of your past lives and the your soul's true purpose reside. And, the good news is that with practice, you can tap into the wisdom and insights stored within this important energy center.
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If you've explored the world of energy healing and chakras, you'll be familiar with the seven main chakras. However, there are additional chakras that extend beyond the traditional framework, including the Soul Star and Earth Star Chakras. Depending on who you ask, there are as many as 114 chakras! While the seven main chakras receive significant attention, these additional chakras play vital roles in your spiritual evolution. In this post, we'll learn about the Soul Star Chakra, one of the chakras that exists outside your physical body.
An Introduction To The Eighth Chakra
The Soul Star Chakra is also known as the eighth chakra or Vyapini, which means "Universal heart." It's your personal gateway to Universal Consciousness. When it's healthy you're in flow with the energy of the Universe. And, you're in touch with your soul's true purpose on this earthly plain.
In essence, your soul star chakra allows you to "download" information from the Universal Consciousness. It's through this chakra that you can access the Akashic Records, past-life memories, and your shadow records. Delving into the depths of your soul's history gives you the unique opportunity to heal any unresolved traumas from previous lifetimes. An awakened soul star chakra will gift you with the knowledge of why you are here in this current incarnation (your dharma).
Another way to think of this chakra is as a portal where very high frequency vibrations can enter your etheric being. As the light vibrations enter, your Soul Star Chakra acts as a filter, carefully measuring the frequencies coming through. It's through this divine filtration process that you can gain access to your personal library within the Akashic records. The knowledge and wisdom contained there are instrumental in your soul's evolution.
Because we all come from the Divine Source, which is love itself, the Soul Star Chakra is your gateway to divine love, compassion and selflessness. When the Soul Star Chakra is fully open and activated, your intuitive powers are fully awakened and you are truly aligned with your higher self. And, it's this divine alignment that awakens you to the interconnectedness of all beings.
Where Is The Soul Star Chakra Located?
Place the heel of your hand on your forehead with your finger pointing upwards. The lower boundary of the soul star chakra is just touching your fingertips.
While the traditional chakra system consists of seven main energy centers aligned along the spine, the Soul Star Chakra is located outside of the physical body in the ethereal realm (in your energy field.) It resides above, and works in conjunction with your crown chakra. This is the order of the 7 chakras, plus the 2 main etheric chakras:
- The Earth Star Chakra (chakra 0, outside the physical body).
- The Root Chakra (chakra number 1).
- The Sacral Chakra (chakra number 2).
- The Solar Plexus Chakra (chakra number 3).
- The Heart Chakra (chakra number 4).
- The Throat Chakra (chakra number 5).
- The Third Eye Chakra (chakra number 6).
- The Crown Chakra (chakra number 7).
- The Soul Star Chakra (chakra number 8, outside the physical body).
Unlike the traditional seven chakras we all know, a true color for this chakra hasn't been defined. In fact, each person may experience the color of this chakra differently, but many say that it radiates with a pure white or golden light.
The Soul Star Chakra is considered a part of the higher spiritual chakras (including the 3rd eye chakra and the crown chakra.) Working with the spiritual chakras helps deepen your connection to the Divine, expand your consciousness, and access higher levels of wisdom.
Crystals To Support The Soul Star Chakra
If you're working on opening and aligning your soul star chakra, you should consider working with the following crystals:
- Amethyst: Known for its spiritual properties, Amethyst enhances spiritual wisdom, connection to higher realms, and facilitates spiritual growth. Amethyst is also a great crystal to use if you're want to enhance your creativity.
- Selenite: This clear-colored crystal promotes peace, calm, and healing, while also clearing blockages and stagnant energy from the higher chakras.
- Clear Quartz: Considered a powerful amplifier, Clear Quartz can magnify the energy flow within the soul star chakra and other chakras, aiding in clarity, connection, and energetic balance.
- Indigo Kyanite: With its unique combination of violet and blue rays, Indigo Kyanite supports spiritual mastery, enhances intuition, and facilitates astral travel and lucid dreaming.
- Celestite: Often associated with angelic realms, Celestite promotes divine communication, spiritual enlightenment, and helps in accessing higher states of consciousness. Celestite is a great crystal for anxiety and stress too.
These crystals can be used individually or in combination to support the opening and alignment of the soul star chakra. Remember to cleanse your crystals and energize them with your intentions to maintain their optimal energetic properties.
Essential Oils For The Eighth Chakra
I've written extensively about the use of essential oils to heal the chakras. If you're interested in this modality, please check out this article: Essential Oils For Chakras. This article will also give you information on how to incorporate essential oils into your wellness practice.
- Frankincense: Known for its spiritually uplifting properties, Frankincense helps deepen meditation, enhance spiritual connection, and open up channels of higher consciousness.
- Sandalwood: With its grounding and calming aroma, Sandalwood promotes inner peace, clarity, and connection to higher realms, facilitating spiritual growth and expanding awareness.
- Lavender: Often used for relaxation and soothing the mind, Lavender can also support the opening of the soul star chakra, promoting spiritual insight, intuition, and a sense of spiritual protection.
- Neroli: With its delicate and uplifting fragrance, Neroli helps in connecting with higher realms, expanding spiritual awareness, and fostering a deep sense of spiritual self-acceptance and self-love.
- Rose: Known as the "queen of oils," Rose carries a high vibrational frequency that can assist in opening the soul star chakra, promoting spiritual connection, divine love, and compassion.
Sound Healing
Using sound healing techniques is a powerful way to activate and harmonize the soul star chakra, facilitating its awakening and alignment with the higher realms. Sound, in its various forms, carries vibrational frequencies that can penetrate deep within our energetic being, helping to clear blockages and restore balance. Here are a few methods to incorporate sound healing into your practice and activate the soul star chakra:
- Solfeggio Frequencies: Solfeggio frequencies are a set of ancient musical tones that have profound healing effects on the body and energy centers. To activate the soul star chakra, you can listen to music or tones specifically tuned to the frequency of 1074 Hz, which corresponds to the soul star chakra. Allow the vibrations to wash over you, resonating with the higher frequencies of your being, and inviting the chakra to awaken and expand. This is a great You Tube video with music that resonates at 1074 HZ: Activate The Eighth Chakra.
- Singing Bowls: Tibetan singing bowls produce rich and resonant tones that can deeply penetrate the energetic field. Find a singing bowl that resonates with the soul star chakra's frequency or a higher frequency bowl, and gently strike or play it while focusing your intention on awakening and activating the eighth chakra. Allow the sound waves to permeate your being, guiding you into a state of deep meditation.
- Vocal Toning: Using your own voice to create sounds and tones can be a potent form of sound healing. Experiment with vocal toning by making sustained sounds like "om" or other vowel sounds that resonate with the upper chakras. Allow the vibrations to travel through your body. Focus your intention on activating the soul star chakra, allowing it to merge with the expansive energies of the higher realms.
- Guided Sound Meditations: Explore guided meditations or sound healing recordings specifically designed to activate the soul star chakra. These recordings often incorporate a combination of soothing music, vocal toning, and soundscapes that are carefully crafted to align with the frequencies of the soul star chakra. Follow the guidance provided, allowing the sounds and vibrations to guide you into a deep state of relaxation, expansion, and connection with your higher self.
Remember, sound healing is a personal practice, so trust your intuition and choose the methods that resonate with you. Allow the power of sound to wash over you, igniting the energies of the soul star chakra and opening the gateway to higher consciousness.
Affirmations For The Soul Star Chakra
Affirmations are a wonderful practice to cultivate in your life. Repeat these affirmations with intention. You can say them either silently or aloud. I examine this practice in depth on Daily Dish. If you're interested in this practice, start here: Affirmations For Building Self Worth.
- I am connected to the divine wisdom and higher realms, allowing the energy of the soul star chakra to flow freely within me.
- My soul star chakra is open and balanced, allowing me to access higher states of consciousness and spiritual awareness.
- I release all blockages and limitations, allowing my energy to expand and radiate divine light.
- The energy of the the Universe flows through my chakra system, creating a balanced and unified energetic field.
- I am aligned with my soul's purpose and walk the path of my highest spiritual evolution.
- Divine love and compassion flow through me, nurturing my spiritual growth and connection with others.
- I embrace my past-life experiences and release any unresolved karma held within my soul star chakra, allowing for healing and transformation.
- My eighth chakra is a gateway to higher dimensions, and I open myself to receive guidance, wisdom, and inspiration from the spiritual realms.
- I trust my intuitive abilities and honor the guidance that comes through my soul star chakra, knowing that it leads me towards my highest good.
- The light of my soul star chakra shines brightly, illuminating my path and attracting experiences that align with my soul's purpose and spiritual growth.
A Guided Meditation
Practice this guided meditation whenever you feel the need to reawaken and align your soul star chakra. It will deepen your connection with the divine and give you peace on your spiritual journey:
Close your eyes and find a comfortable position, allowing your body to relax and your mind to become still. Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, release any tension or worries you may be holding onto. This is your time to connect with the divine energy of the soul star chakra.
Visualize yourself surrounded by a beautiful, radiant white light, like a brilliant star shining above you. Feel this light enveloping your entire being, creating a sense of calm and serenity. As you bask in the gentle glow of this light, imagine it expanding above your head, reaching towards the heavens.
Now, imagine a beam of pure, golden light descending from the sky and entering through the top of your head, flowing down into your body. Feel this warm and radiant light entering your crown chakra, gently awakening and energizing it. Sense the subtle tingling and activation in this area.
As the golden light continues to flow down, it reaches your soul star chakra, located a few inches above the crown of your head. Visualize this chakra as a spinning vortex of vibrant white light, shimmering with divine wisdom and connection.
With each breath, feel the energy of the soul star chakra intensifying. As it spins faster, it begins to expand and radiate its luminous light. Allow this light to infuse every cell of your body, awakening your spiritual awareness and expanding your consciousness.
Now, imagine a stream of cosmic energy descending from the soul star chakra and flowing down through your body, grounding you to the Earth. Feel the strong connection between the divine realms and the physical world, as this energy anchors you in the present moment.
As you continue to breathe deeply, affirm to yourself:
"I am open to receiving divine wisdom and guidance. My soul star chakra is fully awakened, aligned, and connected to the higher realms. I embrace my spiritual purpose and walk the path of my soul's evolution. I radiate divine light and love, sharing my gifts with the world."
Sit in this space of connection and divine presence for as long as you like, allowing the energy of the soul star chakra to nourish and support you. When you're ready, gently bring your awareness back to your surroundings.
Remember, you can return to this guided meditation whenever you feel the need to reawaken and align your soul star chakra.
Final Thoughts
The soul star chakra serves as a gateway to the divine and your higher self. By opening, aligning, and healing this powerful energy center, you can deepen your connection to the spirtual realms and access the wisdom of your soul's purpose.
Through practices such as guided meditation, affirmations, crystal healing, sound healing, and more, you can activate the soul star chakra and experience its profound effects on your spiritual growth and consciousness expansion.
Frequently Asked Questions
Spiritually, the soul star chakra holds profound significance as the seat of divine love and spiritual compassion. It represents our connection to higher dimensions, allowing us to access past-life regressions, Akashic Records, and Shadow Records. Activating and aligning the soul star chakra brings us closer to our higher self, unveiling our soul's purpose and facilitating deep spiritual awareness and growth.
Essential oils that are beneficial for the soul star chakra include frankincense, myrrh, sandalwood, lavender, and rose. Frankincense enhances one's spiritual connection to the divine and aids in deep meditation. Myrrh enhances spiritual and mystical experiences, sandalwood helps to quiet the mind and open spiritual channels, lavender brings balance and harmony to the spiritual body, and rose invokes feelings of love and spiritual attunement. Using these essential oils can support the awakening and alignment of the soul star chakra, fostering a deeper connection to divine energy and higher consciousness.
The 8th chakra is often referred to as the soul star chakra. It's the energy center above the head and is associated with spiritual connection, higher consciousness, and accessing divine realms. The soul star chakra serves as a gateway to the divine and facilitates the exploration of past-life regressions, Akashic Records, and spiritual compassion.
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