The law of polarity is a principle that states everything in the Universe has an opposite. For instance, can you have your face in the light, without having your back in the dark? You can not. Everything in our Universe is dual, and everything is the perfect expression of its opposite. The Universe is always in balance. Everything holds an opposing truth, all of which are true.

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Mathematics and quantum physics have long acknowledged polarity and duality as fundamental laws. But, how can understanding polarity aid us in our spiritual evolution?
Because respecting contrast is what allows us to expand. When we acknowledge and respect the polarity of all things, we understand that one can not exist without the other.
As humans we have free will to use the experience of contrast to decide on where we will focus our emotions. And, what we focus on, we amplify. This is the law of attraction. Assume the positive, and the positive will appear. Assume the negative, and the negative will appear. It's all simply vibration.
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Wisdom tells me I am nothing. Love tells me I am everything. Between the two my life flows.
Nisargaddata Maharaj
The Law Of Polarity In Nature
To more fully understand the law of polarity, let's have a look at how the law of polarity presents itself unambiguously in nature.
Because the physical dualities of nature can be seen with the eye, they aren't as subject to interference of the ego like conceptual dualities (such as justice and injustice) are. Removing the ego can help us better understand the concept of "what is, simply is." Opposites are simply complements of each other. Together they make a balanced whole.
- There is no night without day.
- There is no birth without death.
- There is no summer without winter.
- There is no hot without cold.
- There is no silence without noise.
- There is no masculine without feminine.

There are dark shadows on the Earth, but its lights are stronger in the contrast.
Charles Dickens
The Law Of Polarity And Manifestation
Now that we have covered physical polarities, let's move on to the trickier subject of conceptual dualities, and how they operate within the law of polarity.
Conceptual dualities are exactly what they sound like. They are concepts that are two sides of the same coin. As an example, can you know what happiness is without having experienced sadness? Of course you can't. How would you know what happiness is if you had no experienced of its opposite, sadness? The two operate on the same continuum. For centuries, humans have been making myths and archetypes to help us make sense of these man made concepts.
The Universe is always without judgment; it is always neutral. It's our perception of these neutralities that defines what we will manifest.
Here are a few conceptual dualities. Remember, one polarity can not exist without the presence of the other:
- Love and hate
- Good and evil
- War and peace
- Tragedy and comedy
- Justice and injustice
- Courage and fear
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Recognize the ego for what it is: a collective dysfunction, the insanity of the human mind. When you recognize it for what it is, you no longer misperceive it as somebody’s identity. Once you see the ego for what it is, it becomes much easier to remain nonreactive toward it. You don’t take it personally anymore. There is no complaining, blaming, accusing, or making wrong. Nobody is wrong. It is the ego in someone, that’s all. Compassion arises when you recognize that all are suffering from the same sickness of the mind, some more acutely than others. You do not fuel the drama anymore that is part of all egoic relationships. What is its fuel? Reactivity. The ego thrives on it.”
Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose
It's All About What You Choose To Focus On
Acknowledging that "what is, simply is" without judgment is key to achieving peace. Everything else is the ego talking.
Railing against injustices, ironically only attracts more injustice. This is because the more you powerfully focus your emotional energy on the "wrongs", the more you draw them into your experience. In the words of Carl Jung "what we resist, persists."
Have you ever noticed that the "war on drugs" and the "war on crime" has not worked? In fact, drug abuse and crime has increased. The intense emotional energy focused "warring against them" has actually brought more of them into reality.

We but mirror the world. All the tendencies present in the outer world are to be found in the world of our body. If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him. This is the divine mystery supreme. A wonderful thing it is, and the source of our happiness. We need not wait to see what others do.”
Mahatma Gandhi
Karma And The Law Of Polarity
The 7th Law of Karma states that it's impossible to focus on two things at once. For example, if you're busy focusing on the lower values of hate and rage (or warring against things), it's physically impossible to be focused on the higher values of peace and love. The law of polarity says that both sides of the coin exist, regardless of how you feel about it. But, your free will is still in charge of which side you'll focus on.
So, given the above example, what will you manifest into your reality? The answer is, that which you've put the most emotional energy into; in this case, hate and rage. It all goes back to the First Law of Karma. We always reap that which we sow. This is referred to as The Law Of Compensation.
In order to manifest positive things in your life, put your most intense focus on the positive emotions. Intensely focusing on the evil and horrors in our world, at the expense of acknowledging and being grateful for all the beautiful things in every moment, lowers your vibrational frequency. And lower vibes attract negative outcomes. This is known as The Law Of Vibration. It's as simple as that.
In the words of Gandhi, "Be the change you want to see in the world." There is nothing more certain than the fact that the energy you put out into the world will be mirrored back to you.
Frequently Asked Questions
The 7 laws of the Universe are:
1. The Law Of Attraction or The Law Of Vibration
2. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation
3. The Law of Rhythm
4. The Law of Relativity
5. The Law of Polarity
6.The Law of Cause and Effect
7. The Law of Gender
The law of polarity comes from Sir Isaac Newton's third law of motion, which states that "for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." Sir Isaac Newton is widely recognized as the greatest mathmetician, astronomer, alchemist and scientist of all time.
The law of polarity is a principle that states everything in the Universe has an opposite. Everything in our Universe is dual, and everything is the perfect expression of its opposite. The Universe is always in balance. Everything holds an opposing truth, all of which are true.
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