The divine masculine does not refer to a gender. Rather, it's an archetype, an ancient, primordial energy that exists within all of us. Its energy signature is strong, logical, disciplined, confident and protective. It's Universal Fatherhood in its highest, most aligned state.

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Carl Jung once described archetypes as "riverbeds that dry up when the water deserts them, but which can be found again at any time."(Wotan, 1936, p. 395).
This allegory is particularly fitting when discussing divine masculinity, which in our patriarchal society has become warped, distorted and cast aside in favor of its shadow.
Yet, the potential for the divine masculine to reawaken is always present. It can be reclaimed, but only if we shift our focus to collectively remembering and honoring what true masculinity actually is.

There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow men. True nobility lies in being superior to your former self.”
-Ernest Hemingway
What Is Divine Masculinity?
The divine masculine and the divine feminine are two parts of the same whole. As with all things in nature, they are polarities. Male energy can not exist without female energy and vice versa. They are the yin and yang that form a perfect cicle. The universe is always perfectly balanced and in harmony.
Regardless of gender, we all embody the energy of both archetypes. In fact, the presence of both energies is essential to life. Here's a brief outline of the qualities of the divine masculine, and their mirror qualities in the divine feminine:
- Doing and Being: Masculine energy is action oriented risk taking, whereas feminine energy is focused on emotions and simply being. The masculine gives and the feminine receives.
- Reason And Intuition: Divine masculine energy has a strong focus on reason, analysis and strategy. Conversely, divine feminine energy is about intuition, wisdom and inner knowing/feeling.
- Strength And Gentleness: Masculine energy is focused on strength, assertiveness and confidence. Feminine energy mirrors him with nurturance, compromise and reflectivity.

I cannot think of any need in children as strong as the need for a father’s protection.
Sigmund Freud

I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion.”
Alexander The Great
Toxic Masculinity - The Shadow Of The Divine Masculine
There is no discussing the divine masculine, without discussing its shadow. The shadow possesses the inverse qualities of its divine counterpart.
Every archetype that exists has a shadow that possesses the immoral and unjust energy frequency of its archetype. Understanding the shadow is as equally important as understanding the archetype itself. The shadow of the divine masculine is frequently referred to as toxic masculinity.
Here are a few ways the toxic masculine presents itself in today's world
Donald Trump
- Narcissism: Narcissism is a huge topic that has (rightfully) come under intense scrutiny in mass culture. I couldn't hope to cover everything that narcissism embodies, but suffice it to say that narcissists generally believe their viewpoints are universal truths.They rage when confronted with opposing viewpoints. Narcissism is an energy of inherent disrespect for "the other". All the funny Trump jokes that pervade our culture, show us that most people understand what narcissism really looks like!
Al Pacino in Scarface
- Glorifying The Objectification Of Women: We see this one everywhere in popular culture. It's so pervasive we barely even notice it.
Leonardo Dicaprio in The Wolf Of Wall Street
- An Intense Focus On Materialism: Assertiveness, logic and responsibility, all qualities of the divine masculine, turn into rampant materialism and consumerism. The pursuit of money is god. Indeed ,popular culture values the ability to acquire money over all else.
Sylvester Stallone in Rambo
- Glorification of Violence: The strength of the divine masculine archetype is turned upside down and morphs into a me-against-them mentality that desires to "snuff out" the other. Violence is closely linked to narcissism. You can channle your inner warrior without becoming someone's worst nightmare.

How To Awaken The Divine Masculine
- Heal Your Father Wounds: Your relationship with your father (or father figure) can have a significant impact on your relationship with masculine energy. If you had an absent, abusive, or emotionally distant father, you may need to work on healing those wounds.
- Challenging Cultural Conditioning: Unfortunately many people subscribe to strict gender identity roles that can limit your ability to embrace your authentic masculine energy. Redefine what the divine masculine means on YOUR terms.
- Learn To Express And Process Your Emotions: Many people are taught to suppress their emotions, which can lead to a disconnection from your inner world. Learning to express and process emotions in a healthy way is an important part of healing.
- Find Your Purpose: Pursuing your life's purpose requires qualities such as focus, discipline, and determination, all qualities associated with the divine masculine. Empower yourself by developing these qualities and making strides towards reaching your goals.
- Study Up On Divine Masculine Archetypes: Find inspiration in spiritual and mythological figures that embody the qualities of the divine masculine. Check out Shiva from Hinud mythology, Odin from Norse mythology, Gilgamesh from Sumerian mythology or Apollo from Greek mythology.
- Meditate: Meditation has so many benefits, not least of which are how grounding and centered you feel during and after meditating. If you want to improve your self-discipline, determination, perseverance and focus, meditate!
- Set Your Intentions: Set your intentions. In fact, write them down. Make a commitment to yourself to take action towards your goals. Manifestation comes from the seeds of intention.
- Get Up And Go: If you've been stuck in a rut, working from home, or just plain taking time out from social demands, get back into life by planning a few adventures. Connecting with nature is a great way to nuture masculine energy.
- Be A Protector: Learn to protect yourself and others by taking a self defense class or a first aid course. Volunteer to work with disadvantaged communities and model the traits of responsibility, courage, strength, compassion, and leadership.
- Develop Your Critical Thinking Skills: Question assumptions, analyze arguments, practice active listening and stay open to new ideas and perspectives.

Final Thoughts
Divine masculine energy is an ancient archetype that embodies the characteristics of strength, logic and perseverance. It's the perfect balance to the feminine archetypical energy of nurturance, intuition and feeling. When the divine masculine energy is healthy and aligned, we are strong, determined, loving, giving and kind. We embody universal fatherhood.
In today's patriarchal culture we have come to respect the shadow aspect of the divine masculine, which includes aggressiveness, misogyny, narcissism and objectification of women. In fact, these qualities so pervade our media that we barely even notice them. Sadly, they've become normalized.
Reclaiming the divine masculine by redefining what masculinity actually is is essential to our emotional and spiritual health. Refusing to normalize toxic masculinity, and taking note when we see it in ourselves, is one step we can all take to raise the collective consciousness.

Frequently Asked Questions
The divine masculine is represented by the element of fire. Astrologically Aries, Leo and Sagittarius symbolize masculine energies. The sun is representative of masculine energies, whereas the moon is representative of feminine energies.
We are all comprised of both feminine and masculine energies. The divine masculine and feminine does not refer to gender. Rather, they are archetypes; ancient, primordial energy that exists within all of us.
Being the divine masculine means embodying qualities such as strength, courage, responsibility, and leadership while also cultivating compassion, empathy, and a deep respect for oneself and others. It involves balancing assertiveness with sensitivity, and acting with integrity, authenticity, and honor. Ultimately, being the divine masculine is about using one's energy and power in service of a greater good and for the benefit of all.
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Very understandable and direct! Great job 🙂
Keri Bevan
Hi Erika, Thanks for your feedback. Glad you enjoyed the post!