Root chakra affirmations are powerful mantras that can aid in healing the energetic center that's responsible for our sense of survival and stability. By harnessing the power of our intentions through affirmations we can energetically balance this chakra and live with more confidence and security.

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Many energetic healers believe the root chakra to be the most important energy center in the human body. Indeed, if the root chakra is blocked, energy can't circulate freely between the other chakras. Because the root chakra is responsible for our most basic survival needs, a lack of balance can cause a lot of symptoms that can negatively impact our wellness.
In this article we'll explore the function of this chakra is, how it can become unbalanced and how to restore balance using root chakra affirmations.
If you're working on balancing and aligning your root chakra, I'd also encourage you to work with chakra balancing essential oils and root chakra crystals to supplement your affirmation practice.

How Many Chakras Are There?
The word chakra means "wheel" in Sanskrit. There are seven chakras; each wheel can be thought of as a spinning vortex of energy that corresponds to the health of specific organs and emotional states.
When the chakras are aligned and balanced, we operate at our physical and mental best. When blocked, we may experience symptoms specific to that chakra. Here's a list of the seven chakras, beginning at the base of the spine and ending at the crown and their corresponding energetic functions.
- Root Chakra: Basic trust, safety, security, humility.
- Sacral Chakra: Sexuality, creativity.
- Solar Plexus Chakra: Wisdom, power, self awareness.
- Heart Chakra: Love, healing.
- Throat Chakra: Communication.
- Third Eye Chakra: Awareness.
- Crown Chakra: Spiritual connection.

What Is The Root Chakra?
The root chakra, also known as the "Muladhara" in Sanskrit, is the first chakra in the body. It's located at the base of the spine between the perineum and the lower spine, and is associated with the color red.
The root chakra is the foundation upon which all the other chakras sit. Think of it as being akin to the roots of a tree that draw nourishment from the earth. Without healthy roots, the tree will become malnourished, and everything from the branches to the leaves will be affected. So, it stands to reason that when energetically balancing the chakras it's important to make the root chakra a priority.
Root Chakra Blockage Symptoms
The root chakra's purpose is survival, security and stability. The alignment (or stagnation) of this important energy center is usually most formative from the womb to 12 months.
Cues we get from our primary caregivers during this time are strong determinants of our root chakra's health. Answers to questions such as, "who am I?" and "how do I fit into this world?" are being answered at an instinctual level very early in life. Our answers to these fundamental questions play a large role in whether we will flourish with a strong and stable foundation, or struggle to repair entrenched fear based belief systems.
Symptoms of a blocked root chakra can include:
- Poor focus.
- Low self esteem.
- Feeling lethargic and sluggish.
- Feelings of insecurity.
- Not being able to trust others.
- Depression and anxiety.
How To Use Affirmations
The most important facet of affirmations is to choose affirmations that feel meaningful to you! Focus on addressing your pain points first. If you feel comfortable doing so, it can be helpful to look in the mirror as you repeat your affirmations. Alternatively, set aside a time each day to meditate on one chosen affirmation per day. Or, simply repeat them silently as you go about your day.
The affirmations below are only suggestions. Please feel free to add any affirmations that feel self-empowering, or to exclude affirmations you have trouble working with. Take things at your own pace.
If you're working on the health of your root chakra, you might also benefit from learning about your Earth Star Chakra, which is an extension of your root chakra.

Root Chakra Affirmations For Safety And Security
- I am safe and secure in all situations.
- I choose to spend time with people who make me feel emotionally safe.
- The Universe always protects me.
- I am always safe to be myself.
- I am guarded and protected.
- The people in my life love me and want the best for me.
- I have healthy boundaries that protect me.
- The people around me bring out the best in me.
- I trust life, even when I don't understand it.
- My life amazes me in positive ways every day.
- I am powerful.
- I believe in my ability to get through tough times.
- It's safe to let others get close to me.
Root Chakra Affirmations For Humility
- I am filled with humility. I'm good enough as I am.
- I am in control of my ego.
- I take constructive criticism as a chance to learn and improve myself.
- I always admit when I'm wrong without shaming myself or others.
- I believe that pushing one person forward, pushes us all forward.
- I am curious and flexible in my thinking.
- I'm able to ask for help when I need it.
- I can laugh at myself.
- I'm a great listener.
- Life is a journey of learning, and I continue to learn and grow every day.
- I accept and fully love all aspects of myself.

Root Chakra Affirmations For Healing Childhood Wounds
- My needs, feelings and emotions are valid.
- I am always free to express how I feel.
- I am honest, and I get honesty in return.
- People love me for who I am with no conditions attached.
- It's normal to need help sometimes, and it's safe to ask for help.
- I am allowed to talk.
- I'm allowed to struggle without being shamed.
- I don't need to seek the approval of others.
- Other's opinions of me don't define me or have anything to do with me.
- My worth is not tied to how others treat me.
- I'm proud of myself.
- Feelings are never right or wrong. They just are.
Final Thoughts
Don't forget to choose affirmations that feel meaningful for you, and to repeat them regularly. You can either set aside a time to meditate on your chosen affirmations, or you can simply repeat them silently in your head as you go about your day. When used regularly, root chakra affirmations are potent mantras for grounding and self empowerment.
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