The Lion's Gate Portal is a highly anticipated annual cosmic event that occurs on August 8th every year. On this day a celestial alignment takes place between the Sun in Leo, the star Sirius, and the Orion constellation. During this auspicious time, the Lion's Gate Portal opens a galactic gateway, delivering high-frequency energy to Earth. This cosmic infusion holds tremendous spiritual significance, offering a unique opportunity for personal growth, spiritual awakening, and transformation.

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There are several times throughout the year when spiritual energy is heightened due to cosmic events. Solstices and equinoxes, eclipses, meteor showers, full moons and certain planetary alignments carry heightened spiritual energies that serve as gateways for transformation and manifestation.
There are also specific energetic portals where cosmic alignments amplify spiritual energies and offer opportunities for growth and awakening. The Lion's Gate Portal is one such time.
In this article, we'll explore what the Lion's Gate Portal is and how you can harness this potent cosmic energy to level up your consciousness.
What Is The Lion's Gate Portal?
The Lion's Gate Portal is an annual alignment between the Earth, the star Sirius, and the Sun, which creates a powerful surge of energy.
The name "Lions Gate" comes from the fact that this alignment occurs when the Sun is in the astrological sign of Leo, which is associated with the lion in Western astrology. The star Sirius is also known as the "Spiritual Sun" in some esoteric traditions and is believed to have a strong spiritual influence.
As the Lion's Gate Portal activates, the veil between the physical and spiritual realms thins, creating a profound connection with our higher selves. Because of this, 8/8 is the perfect time to work on your chakras, meditate or work with any other consciousness raising practice that resonates with you. The energy of Leo is behind you at this time, gifting you the inner drive to pursue whatever inspires you the most!
This transformative event offers a gateway to unleash your full potential and expand your spiritual horizons. As August 8th approaches, be ready to step into a realm of infinite possibilities and discover the wisdom and abundance the universe has in store for you.

When Is The Lion's Gate Portal?
The Lion's Gate Portal occurs annually on August 8th. This specific date is when the cosmic alignment between the Sun in Leo, the star Sirius (the brightest star in the night sky), and the Orion constellation is at its peak. This alignment creates a powerful influx of high-frequency energy that holds tremendous energetic power.
This is an auspicious time to immerse yourself in rituals, meditation and visualizations to bring your intentions into reality. As you align yourself with the energy of the portal and its transformative vibrations, you're given a cosmic power boost.

8 8 Lion's Gate ~ Numerological Significance
In numerology, the number 8 is a symbol of abundance, infinity, and spiritual power. Its shape resembles the infinity symbol on its side (∞), representing an eternal and limitless flow of energy.
For instance, we see the infinity symbol above the head of the character in the Tarot's Strength card, the eighth card in the Major Arcana, representing the zodiac sign of Leo. The infinity symbol signifies endless cycles, harmony, and the interconnectedness of all things. In the context of the Strength card, it represents the eternal nature of inner strength, resilience, and the boundless potential that can be harnessed when one aligns their inner and outer worlds.
When the date aligns as 8/8, the energy of the number 8 is amplified, creating a powerful energetic gateway. The double dose of the number 8 creates a potent opportunity for spiritual growth and manifestation. It's a reminder that our potential is limitless and that we have the ability to co-create our reality with the universe.

The Egyptian New Year
The Lion's Gate Portal held great significance to ancient Egyptians.They associated this cosmic event with the rising of the star Sirius, which was considered a highly auspicious, sacred time. Sirius, also known as the "Dog Star," was symbolically linked to the agricultural goddess Sopdet (Sothis).
The annual rising of Sirius, which coincides with the Lion's Gate Portal, was closely connected to the annual flooding of the Nile River. This flooding brought rich silt and nourishment to the soil, which was essential for a bountiful harvest. Consequently, the rising of Sirius was seen as a sign of renewal, abundance, and new beginnings.
Ancient Egyptians regarded this event as the rebirth of their land, and they celebrated it with festivals and rituals to honor the goddess Sopdet. They believed that during the Lion's Gate Portal, the spiritual energies were heightened, and the veil between the physical and spiritual worlds became thin, allowing for a closer connection with the divine and the higher realms.
Some theories even suggest that the Sphinx, a monumental statue with the head of a human and the body of a lion, may have been aligned with the rising of Sirius during the Lion's Gate Portal. This alignment could have held symbolic and spiritual significance, as the Sphinx is associated with the mysteries of the cosmos.
Lion's Gate Portal Rituals
On the day of the Lion's Gate Portal, you can engage in various rituals to enhance and align with the auspicious energies present during this cosmic event. Remember that the key to any ritual is to set your intentions with sincerity, focus, and trust in the transformative energies of the Lion's Gate Portal. Embrace the day with an open heart and a willingness to receive the blessings and insights that the universe has in store for you.
Here are some suggested rituals to harness the transformative energies of the portal:

Meditation & Visualization
Begin your day with a guided meditation or visualization practice. Close your eyes, connect with your breath, and envision a powerful cosmic gateway opening above you. Visualize the high-frequency energy pouring down from the cosmos and infusing every cell of your being with light, love, and abundance. 8/8 is also a powerful day to do the Merkaba Meditation.
Setting Intentions
Write down clear and specific intentions for what you wish to manifest in your life. Whether it's personal growth, abundance, healing, or spiritual awakening, be precise in your intentions and set them with positive affirmations.

Affirmations and Positive Self-talk
Throughout the day, repeat empowering affirmations related to your intentions. Use positive self-talk to reinforce your belief in the possibilities that the Lion's Gate Portal brings. Here's a few affirmations that will empower you on this auspicious day:
- "I am a powerful creator, and I effortlessly manifest my deepest desires with the support of the Lion's Gate Portal."
- "I open my heart and mind to receive the abundance and blessings that flow to me through the cosmic gateway."
- "As I step through the portal, I release all fears and limitations, embracing my true potential and aligning with my highest self."
Repeat these affirmations with conviction and positivity throughout the day, and allow them to bolster your intentions, empowering you to make the most of this auspicious cosmic event. You could also try these 63 Spiritual Affirmations To Raise Your Conciousness.

Take time to journal your thoughts, emotions, and insights during this day. Reflect on your intentions and how you can take action towards manifesting your desires. If you need help getting the juices flowing try my journal prompts.

Heart and Third Eye Chakra Activation
Direct your focus towards actively opening and balancing your heart and third eye chakras. These energies have a close connection with the energy of the Lion's Gate Portal.
Use heart-opening practices like self-compassion and forgiveness, and engage in activities that stimulate your intuition and inner wisdom. Try my heart chakra affirmations or these 111 affirmations to open your third eye.
Spend Time In Nature
Spend time in nature to ground yourself and connect with the Earth's energies. Nature is a potent source of healing and inspiration, and being in natural surroundings can enhance your spiritual experience during the Lion's Gate Portal.
Don't forget, nature is a living, breathing entity, resonating with its own energy and rhythms. Aligning yourself with these natural vibrations creates a harmonious resonance between your energy and the energies of the Lion's Gate Portal, facilitating a deeper spiritual connection.

Crystals and Sacred Objects For The Lion's Gate Portal
Work with crystals and sacred objects that resonate with the energies of the Lion's Gate Portal. Crystals like citrine, clear quartz, and lapis lazuli can amplify your intentions and attune you to the cosmic vibrations. If you have an orgonite pyramid, you could also use that to amplify the potent energies present at this time.
Build a crystal grid specifically designed to amplify the energies present at this auspicious time. Choose crystals that resonate with the themes of manifestation, spiritual awakening, and transformation. Some suitable choices include Clear Quartz (amplification), Citrine (abundance), Labradorite (spiritual insight), and Amethyst (spiritual growth). Place these crystals in a geometric pattern, such as a flower of life or a sacred geometry shape, and set your intentions for the portal's energies to infuse your desires.
Candle Ritual
Light a candle and set your intentions for the Lion's Gate Portal. As you watch the flame, visualize your desires coming to fruition and feel the energy of the portal empowering your manifestations. Visualize yourself stepping through the flame and entering a realm of unlimited potential, where your desires come to fruition and transformation unfolds. For a guide on which candle colors are best for your particular ritual or intentions, see this post: Candle Color Meanings For Candle Magic.

Gratitude Practice
Express gratitude for all that you have and for the opportunities the Lion's Gate Portal brings. Gratitude opens the heart and aligns you with the flow of abundance. Here's a few ways you can practice gratitude to raise your energetic vibration:
- Gratitude Journaling: Set aside time to write down three things you are grateful for. Reflect on the blessings, experiences, or people that bring joy and positivity into your life. As you jot down your entries, infuse them with the intention of aligning with the portal's energies. This practice not only cultivates gratitude but also opens you up to receiving more of the blessings you appreciate.
- Gratitude Meditation: Dedicate a few minutes to a gratitude meditation. Find a comfortable place to sit or lie down, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths. With each breath, think of something you are grateful for. Allow the feeling of gratitude to fill your heart and expand throughout your body. Visualize this gratitude energy radiating out into the universe, attracting even more blessings and positive experiences.
- Gratitude Offering: Create a small gratitude offering that symbolizes your appreciation for the blessings in your life. This could be as simple as lighting a candle, arranging flowers, or placing a meaningful object on your altar. As you create the offering, infuse it with your sincere gratitude for the present moment and the potential for transformation that the Lion's Gate Portal brings. Offer your intentions and appreciation to the universe as you set up the display.
A Lion's Gate Portal Release Ceremony
Let go of any limiting beliefs or negative patterns that no longer serve you. Write them down on a piece of paper and burn it as a symbol of release and transformation.
In Conclusion
Invite the universe to work in harmony with your intentions during this high vibration window of time. You can choose to work with the rituals I've written about, or choose a ritual that intuitively speaks to you.
If you have a Lion's Gate Portal ritual or experience that you'd like to share, I'd love to hear about in the comments below.
Frequently Asked Questions
The Lion's Gate Portal holds profound spiritual significance as an annual cosmic event that occurs on August 8th. It marks the alignment of Earth, the Sun in Leo, and the star Sirius, symbolizing a powerful convergence of energies. This alignment creates a heightened connection to higher realms, facilitating personal growth and spiritual awakening.
The Lion's Gate Portal 2023 is a transformative celestial event occurring on August 8th. During this time, the cosmic alignment of Earth, the Sun in Leo, and the star Sirius brings forth potent energies of personal growth, spiritual expansion, and manifestation. It serves as a powerful opportunity to tap into higher frequencies, embrace change, and align with the universe's transformative currents.
The Lion's Gate Portal is open for a span of approximately two weeks, from around July 28th to August 12th. However, its energies are often considered to peak on August 8th, making this day particularly potent for engaging in rituals, meditation, and manifestation practices to harness its transformative energies.

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Is it lucky to get married on lion’s gate day?
Keri Bevan
Hi Rama, I think it's a very auspicious day to get married! Lionsgate is all about calling in your intentions, and marriage is certainly an intention. I'm in the process of writing an article on how to properly formulate your intentions. Look out for it!
Hi - I have been researching the Lionsgate for a year now. Your information is very interesting about the flooding of the Nile during this time. I’m wondering if you might be able to answer why the idea and concept of the 8:8 Lionsgate portal was not available earlier. It seems as though the Lionsgate rituals and information was not actually a thing 10 or 15 years ago. It has been building in popularity over these last six or seven years. Some have told me it’s been popularized and hyped and over done. My goal is to just find truth that resonates well. I would very much appreciate your insight as I am continuing my search for answers. I am very sensitive and I definitely felt the energy two weeks prior to 8:8, of this year, 2023.
Thank you -
Keri Bevan
Hi Alli, Me too! You can also feel the energy of Lion's Gate in the days following 8/8. The ancient Egyptians were very in tune with cosmic events. Because they were an agrarian society, events that benefited the harvest were looked on very favorably. They deduced that the Nile flooded right around the alignment of Sirius, Orion, and the Sun (which is what we know as Lion's Gate today). Sirius was of great importance to the Egyptians. In fact, the rising of Sirius in the pre-dawn sky, known as the heliacal rising of Sirius, marked the start of the Egyptian New Year. Their astronomical records and texts mentioned the significance of Sirius's heliacal rising and its connection to agricultural cycles.These days, conciousness is beginning to shift. People are more aware of energetic shifts than ever before (which is a great thing!) We're a lot more connected via the internet then we ever were, so ideas spread further and faster (both a good thing, and a bad thing!) I hope that helps. Thank you so much for sharing! x