Monday affirmations are powerful statements that consciously direct your thoughts towards positive outcomes. Let's face it, Mondays can be hard! Transitioning from the freedom of the weekend to starting a new week at a job or school that's challenging can be tricky.
But, affirmations are here to help. When used regularly, these powerful self affirming statements can help you combat negativity and meet the the challenges of the coming week as your best self.
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Do you dread Mondays? Or, do you wake up energized and ready to meet the challenges of the coming week with confidence? It's not uncommon to have feelings of dread as a new week approaches.
In this article we'll explore the possible reasons you might be experiencing the Monday blues. Then, we'll take a look at and how to use Monday affirmations to challenge toxic thought patterns so that you can start your week on a positive note.
What Are The Monday Blues?
The "Monday blues" are a term used to describe a set of negative emotions prompted by the start of a new week. These emotions can range from anxiety to hopelessness and depression. And, it's not an unusual thing to experience. The Monday blues are experienced by so many people that they've almost become a cultural phenomena.
But, what's the psychology behind the Monday blues, and can affirmations made specifically for combating them help reframe our thoughts and reveal more positive solutions?
Here's a few reasons you might be experiencing the Monday blues:
- Weekends are all about freedom. For most people it's an opportunity to sleep in, meet friends and family, and to just relax. Mondays, in direct contrast, mean it's time to go back to work or school with all the accompanying stressors those responsibilities entail. The contrast can be a major stress trigger, which is hardly surprising.
- You hate your job or school.
- Your work/life balance isn't healthy. If you work demanding hours at a stressful and exhausting job, it can leave little time for cultivating friendships and relationships.
- You haven't had enough sleep. For those who stay up late on the weekends, it can be hard to transition back into a normal sleep routine, and sleep deprivation can take a toll on your mood.
Whatever the cause of your Monday morning blues, affirmations can be one tool that will help you consciously direct your thoughts. And, what we think, is what we tend to draw towards us. For more information on this energetic theory, check out my article on The Law Of Assumption.
How Affirmations Can Help
Affirmations can help you pinpoint which negative thoughts cycle through your head continuously and adversely impact your life. In fact, one of the most important things you can do to enhance the positive effects of affirmations is to identify and target your particular pattern of negative thinking. Once you've identified your negative thought patterns, you can begin choosing affirmations that challenge those beliefs. For instance, if you struggle with comparing yourself negatively to others, you might choose an affirmation that builds self worth such as, "every day I become a better person."
Make sure that the affirmation you choose is believable to you. In the above example, if you struggle with self esteem or body issues, don't choose an affirmation that's as powerful as "I am beautiful." Choose something like, " I accept myself unconditionally." Once you to rewire your neurons to think more positively about yourself, you'll be able to progress to more challenging affirmations with ease.
Monday Affirmations
- I face challenges with confidence and candor.
- I can achieve my goals.
- Even when there are challenges, I persevere.
- I live every day intentionally.
- I deserve to have my dreams and aspirations fulfilled.
- I am grateful for another day of my life.
- Today is a fresh start.
- It's going to be an amazing week!
- I can only do the best I can do.
- I am so grateful for my life.
- I find enjoyment in work.
- I am worthy of good things in my life.
- I wake up refreshed and motivated.
- I always trust my inner guidance and follow it.
- I am resilient when faced with challenges.
The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you first find yourself.
- Mark Caine
- I can do hard things.
- I am forever evolving into my best self.
- I am capable of achieving everything that I want.
- I have the courage I need to succeed.
- I rise each time I fall.
- I only focus on what I can control, nothing else.
- I radiate positivity.
- I accept myself unconditionally and without judgment.
- Mistakes are just an opportunity to learn.
- My vision is clear and focused.
- I can overcome all obstacles.
- I choose to focus on empowering beliefs that help me reach my highest potential.
- All good things are coming to me.
- I perform well under pressure.
- I turn obstacles into opportunities.
Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.
- Aristotle
Final Thoughts On Using Monday Affirmations
Monday affirmations can help you reshape your thoughts and challenge toxic cycles of thinking. When repeated regularly, affirmations can boost your self confidence and help you start your week on the a positive note.
Remember, be sure to identify your most persistent negative thoughts and choose an affirmation that targets that thought with a positive self affirming statement. Choose an affirmation that is believable to you, and repeat them persistently.
Frequently Asked Questions
Absolutely not. The most important thing about affirmations is that you choose ones that are believable to you and say them persistently. You can say them out loud, or repeat them silently in your head. You can repeat affirmations while meditating, or while walking the dog. Whatever feels most natural for you is what will have the biggest impact.
You can do either! Some people find affirmations are more powerful when written, and some people find that saying them out loud makes them more meaningful. There's no set way to do affirmations. The most important thing is that you do them in the way that seems most comfortable and meaningful to you.
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