The Merkaba is an extraordinary three-dimensional star tetrahedron, made up of two interlocking pyramids that spin in opposite directions. The rotational movement of the two pyramids generates a uniquely powerful 3-dimensional energy field. This energy field produces a ball of light that is commonly referred to as "the vehicle of ascension."
Thanks to the power of sacred geometry, the energy frequency of this shape is so potent that it can connect with the higher frequency energy of other planes of existence (or dimensions.) You can activate this light body by meditating on this sacred shape. Think of it as your personal portal to hidden realms and expanded states of awareness.
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The Merkaba is a deeply metaphysical construct. It is not a physical shape. It's an energy force field that transcends the very localized energy that's present in the physical human body.
These days we're aware that the physical energy of the human body extends beyond the physical shape of the body itself. For instance, energy can be seen extending beyond the body in the form of an aura. Energy practices like Reiki work with this energy field to transmit healing energy from one etheric body to another.
The Merkaba goes one step further. This is because it's not localized energy; it's a light body that allows us to connect our physical energy to the energy of higher consciousness. Put simply, it's a metaphysical vehicle that allows us to travel beyond the earthly plane, much like a car allows one to get from place to place in our 3D reality.
It's not possible to fully understand the Merkaba with the logical mind. In order to experience it, you have to fully open your heart. I hope this article goes a small way towards encouraging you to work with this powerful and life changing energy.
The Merkaba is an ancient symbol that boasts a rich history that spans different cultures and spiritual traditions. Its two interlocking tetrahedrons have appeared in ancient texts throughout history. What unites these diverse belief systems is the Merkaba's portrayal as a potent symbol of balance and unity, symbolizing the harmonious integration of opposing forces.
In Egyptian Esotericism
In Ancient Egyptian spirituality, "Merkaba" emerged from the combination of "mer" (light), "ka" (spirit) and "ba" (body). Ancient Egyptians believed that the Merkaba contained the essential energies necessary to connect with the Divine. The sphere of light generated by the spinning Merkaba was revered as the "vehicle of ascension" that allowed the soul to travel between different realms to attain spiritual enlightenment.
Priests and Priestesses used the Merkaba in rituals to forge a connection with the divine energy of the Universe. Once connected to this force field through meditation, they would receive guidance from the gods.
In Jewish Mysticism
The Merkabah, also known as the Merkavah, holds great significance in Jewish mysticism. In fact, the Merkaba is a 3 dimensional representation of the Star Of David.
According to the Book of Ezekiel, in chapters 1 and 10, the prophet Ezekiel has a series of profound visions. In these visions, he witnesses a celestial chariot-like structure adorned with angelic beings and vibrant wheels. This divine chariot was the Merkabah, or the "chariot of ascension." The word Merkaba translates to chariot in Hebrew.
Inspired by the visions of Ezekiel in the Hebrew Bible, the Merkaba came to symbolize a pathway to spiritual ascent.
The Merkaba Symbol & Sacred Geometry
The Flower of Life is a sacred geometric pattern that consists of overlapping circles, forming a flower-like design with a central circle surrounded by six petals. It's considered one of the fundamental shapes of creation and is found in various ancient cultures and spiritual traditions. The Flower of Life is believed to hold the blueprint of the universe, representing the interconnectedness of all living things and the unity of existence.
The connection between the Merkaba and the Flower of Life lies in the Merkaba's geometric construction.
When you examine the Merkaba's structure, you will find that it's formed by connecting the centers of the circles within the Flower of Life pattern. The Merkaba emerges from the geometrical relationships within the Flower of Life, revealing the interplay between these two sacred symbols.
Some interpretations suggest that the Flower of Life serves as a foundational pattern for the creation of the Merkaba, representing the underlying unity and harmony of all existence. In this view, the Merkaba is an extension of the Flower of Life's intricate geometric web.
Merkaba & The Polarities
Everything in our Universe subscribes to the Law Of Polarity, and the Merkaba is no exception.
Comprised of two intersecting tetrahedrons, the Merkaba forms a three-dimensional star shape, with one tetrahedron pointing upwards to channel energy from the heavens and the other pointing downwards to draw energy up from the earth. These two tetrahedrons spin in opposite directions, creating a dynamic and high-energy 3D vortex or energy field. Do you see how the opposites are working in harmony with one another? This is the meaning of, "as above, so below."
Let's go one step further and look at another of the intriguing aspects of the Merkaba's connection to polarities. The bottom triangle represents femininity and rotates in a counter-clockwise direction, while the top triangle relates to masculinity and rotates in a clockwise direction, all simultaneously.
This interplay of opposing energies reflects the idea of balance and integration, harmonizing the masculine and feminine aspects within oneself and in the larger universe.
Merkaba Meditation with 18 Breaths Spherical Breathing:
The Merkaba holds so much healing power. It's also a powerful protection tool. Working it with it can activate your third eye chakra, open your heart chakra and restore perfect balance to your entire chakra system.
The Merkaba meditation technique does take some practice. However, as you work with the technique more and more, it will begin to feel natural and you won't have to constantly refer to the notes and diagrams. Stick with it. It's worth it.
Yogic Breathing
We will be practicing yogic breathing in this meditation. It can take some practice, but soon it becomes natural. Here is the proper sequence:
- Breathe through your nostrils.
- Inhale first by expanding your abdomen. (breathing into your stomach).
- Continue the inhale by expanding your diaphragm (breathing into your lower ribcage).
- Complete the inhale by expanding your chest (breathing into your upper chest).
- Exhale slowly for approximately 6-8 seconds. Hold the chest firm and relax the stomach as you exhale. When the air is out of your body, relax and hold until you feel the need to inhale again.
This should be done in one fluid step, not separate steps. Each breath should take between 6-8 seconds, so breathe slowly and in the proper sequence.
This full yogic breath allows you to use your entire lung capacity and brings about a deeper, more calming breath that helps to relax the body and calm the mind. It's a fundamental aspect of many yogic and meditative practices.
See the mudras below. We will be using them in conjunction with yogic breathing and visualization to activate the Merkaba.
Find a comfortable and quiet space where you won't be disturbed. Sit or lie down with your spine straight and close your eyes. It can help to fully cover your eyes for absolute darkness, if you feel comfortable to do so. Take a few deep, grounding breaths, allowing yourself to release any tension and distractions.
Note: Breaths 1-6 will fully clear out your body's electrical system and balance your polarities.
1. First Breath
Inhale (as described above) and open your heart chakra to feel love for all life. Allow a gentle wave of gratitude and love to wash over you, filling your heart with immense appreciation for the gift of life and the boundless beauty that surrounds you. As you're inhaling place your thumb lightly onto your first finger and part the other fingers, keeping your palm facing upwards. This is the first mudra.
As you experience this love washing over you, imagine yourself inside the Sun tetrahedron (the upward pointing masculine tetrahedron). At first, you may need to use the diagram above. This tetrahedron is filled with a brilliant white light, pulsating with energy. Feel this energy pulsating around you. The Sun tetrahedron surrounds you fully. It's the width of your outstretched arms.
Exhale slowly, keeping the chest firm and relaxing the stomach as the air leaves your body. Stay in your open heart center. As you exhale, become aware of the Earth tetrahedron (the downward, feminine pointing apex.) The flat plane of this tetrahedron passes through your solar plexus chakra. It's filled with a bright white light. Imagine the light pressing all negative energy out of your body through the downward facing apex of the Earth tetrahedron.
Remember, your inhale and exhale should be slow, approximately 6-8 seconds, each.
2. Second Breath
Change the mudra by joining the thumb and the second finger. This is the second mudra. Inhale for seven seconds using the yogic breathing technique, in the same manner as you did in the first breath, maintaining a steady and balanced breath. As you're inhaling, envision the Sun tetrahedron surrounding you, filled with a radiant, pulsating energy.
Exhale in the yogic breathing manner. Simultaneously, make your eyes look towards each other (cross eyed) and gently upwards. Quickly, look down. You can perform the eye movements with your eyes open or closed. As you exhale, imagine the earth tetrahedron filled with a brilliant white light fully surrounding you. All negativity will exit your body through the downward facing apex of the tetrahedron.
3. Third Breath
Change the mudra again, shifting the thumb onto the third finger. This is the third mudra. Inhale for seven seconds using the yogic breathing technique, in the same manner as you did in the first breath, maintaining a steady and balanced breath. As you're inhaling, envision the Sun tetrahedron surrounding you, filled with a radiant, pulsating energy.
Exhale using the yogic breathing technique. Simultaneously, make your eyes look towards each other (cross eyed) and gently upwards. Quickly, look down. You can perform the eye movements with your eyes open or close. As you exhale, imagine the earth tetrahedron, fully surrounding you, and all negativity exiting your body through the downward facing apex of the tetrahedron.
4. Fourth Breath
Change mudras. Join the thumb and little finger in the fourth breath.
Inhale and exhale in the same manner as you did in the previous breaths, keeping your focus on the pranic energy moving within you.
On the inhale again visualize the vibrant Sun tetrahedron. On the exhale, repeat the eye movements, and again imagine all negative energy exiting through the apex of the Earth tetrahedron.
5. Fifth Breath
Bring back the thumb to the first finger and breathe the same way as you did in the first breath, maintaining the same steady, rhythmic breathing pattern. Exhale in the exact same manner as the first breath. You care basically repeating breath 1.
6. Sixth Breath
Change the mudra by joining the thumb and the second finger. Repeat the same pattern as you did in the 2nd breath. Stay in your heart space, always feeling the love of the Universe surrounding you. You have now cleared your body's energy circuits and we will progress with the next part of the Merkaba meditation.
*We will now begin a new visualization for the remainder of the meditation.
7. Seventh Breath
Change the mudra to the thumb, first and second fingers lightly touching.
Inhale while feeling the love in your heart, visualizing a tube running from above your head to below your feet.
Sense a pranic energy moving from the top of the tube towards the navel and from the bottom of the tube towards the navel. Where the 2 lights meet, a sphere is begining to form.
Exhale deeply in a yogic rhythmic manner. As you exhale, the sphere of light will contine to grow bigger.
8. Eighth Breath
Inhale naturally as your lungs empty out on their own from the previous exhalation. Feel the pranic energy at your navel continuing to grow in size. Exhale, allowing the pranic energy to reach its maximum size. Maintain the same hand mudra.
9. Ninth Breath
As you inhale and exhale in the same manner, the pranic energy gets so concentrated at the navel region that it can't grow any bigger. With each breath, the pranic energy becomes brighter and more intense. Continue the rhythmic breathing pattern with the same hand mudra.
10. Tenth Breath
As you inhale, the pranic energy becomes brighter, reaching its maximum limit, and forms a blinding ball of white light.
As you exhale, make a small hole with your lips and blow out air with pressure. The white sphere splits into two spheres, one within the other. Maintain the rhythmic breathing pattern with the same hand mudra.
11. Eleventh Breath
Relax and breathe rhythmically with the same hand mudra. Feel the prana flow from source above and earth below. There is no need to visualize, simply feel the energy accumulating and expanding.
Exhale in the yogic manner, and continue feeling the power of the pranic energy.
12. Twelfth Breath
Relax and breathe rhythmically with the same hand mudra. Feel the prana flow from source above and earth below. There is no need to visualize, simply feel the energy accumulating and expanding.
Exhale in the yogic manner, and continue feeling the power of the pranic energy grow.
13. Thirteenth Breath
Relax and breathe rhythmically with the same hand mudra. Feel the prana flow from source above and earth below. There is no need to visualize, simply feel the energy accumulating and expanding.
Exhale in the yogic manner, and continue feeling the power of the pranic energy grow.
14. Fourteenth Breath
Feel the love in your heart and inhale. Shift the original meeting point of the pranic energy from the navel to the heart. The brighter large sphere that contains the original field moves along to the heart within the energy tube.
Relax your breathing and simply feel the energy expanding within your heart. Breathe rhythmically and comfortably, focusing on the pranic flow in your body meeting at the heart and expanding. Feel the breath, energy flow, and your connection to life.
15. Fifteenth Breath
Fill your heart with love and become aware of the three tetrahedrons superimposed on each other.
One tetrahedron does not move usually and is fixed in the body. One is male and electrical, representing the human mind, and it rotates counterclockwise. The third tetrahedron is magnetic and female, representing human emotions, rotating clockwise.
Interlace your fingers with your thumbs lightly touching. Keeping your hands held in this mudra, breathe in, thinking in your mind that the two movable tetrahedrons should rotate at equal speeds.
Make a hole with your lips and exhale with the star tetrahedrons spinning in opposite directions with equal speed. The experience of Merkaba begins from here on.
16. Sixteenth Breath
As you exhale through the mouth, similar to the fifteenth breath, feel the speed of the tetrahedrons doubling, forming a disk around your body at the base of the spine. The disk is wobbly and needs stability.
17. Seventeenth Breath
Keeping the same hand mudra and feeling unconditional love for life, breathe in, telling your mind to increase the Merkaba to nine-tenths the speed of light.
Exhale. As the merkaba reaches nine tenths the speed of light, it begins to stabilize.
Eighteenth Breath
On the eighteenth breath, you receive the final instruction from your higher self. It will guide you through the speed of light into another world for a while. Surrender to this divine guidance and allow yourself to explore the realms of higher consciousness and spiritual connection.
With this final breath, your Merkaba meditation is complete, and you may feel a sense of deep peace, alignment, and spiritual expansion. You have now activated your Merkaba. Ask your higher self to program it for your highest good. Or, state you affirmations or intentions in your mind.
In Conclusion
The Merkaba is a sacred symbol that has the power to raise conciousness and connect us with the Divine. In order to fully activate it, you must regularly practice the Merkaba meditation. Depending on your experience with meditation, it could happen quite quickly, or it may take many tries. Keep practicing, until you feel the shift.
Remember, one of the most important aspects of the Merkaba meditation is to truly feel love in every cell of your body. Without this, it will not be possible to experience the full effects of a Merkaba activation.
Do you have experience working with the Merkaba? If so, I'd love to hear your comments below.
Frequently Asked Questions
A Merkaba stone is a crystal or gemstone that has been carved or shaped into the form of a Merkaba, which is an intricate three-dimensional star tetrahedron. It holds the energy and properties associated with sacred geometry, and many people use these stones for meditation, energy work, and spiritual transformation.
The Merkaba meditation technique is a spiritual practice that involves using specific breathing patterns and visualizations to activate and connect with the Merkaba, an energy field described as a three-dimensional star tetrahedron. During the meditation, practitioners focus on deep and rhythmic breathing, combining it with specific hand mudras and visualizing the rotation of the two interlocking tetrahedrons within their energy field. The aim of Merkaba meditation is to access higher states of consciousness, promote spiritual growth, and create a harmonious balance between mind, body, and spirit.
Activating your Merkaba involves engaging in specific meditative practices and visualization techniques. To begin, find a quiet and comfortable space to sit or lie down. Focus on deep, rhythmic breathing, and visualize a bright white light surrounding your body. With each breath, imagine two interlocking tetrahedrons, one pointing upward and the other downward, spinning in opposite directions around your body, forming the Merkaba. As you continue the visualization and maintain a focused, meditative state, the Merkaba's energy field will activate, enhancing your connection to higher consciousness.
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