Ho'oponopono is a traditional Hawaiian healing practice that uses a simple mantra to release negative emotions, thoughts, and experiences. At the heart of this ancient spiritual tradition is the practice of forgiveness and reconciliation as a means to improve one's relationships with others and the world at large. Ho'oponopono honors the Hawaiian belief about the interconnectedness of all things, and the power of thoughts and words to shape reality.
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Passed down through the centuries as part of an oral tradition, the practice of ho'oponopono remains a vital part of Hawaiian culture. Confessing one's faults, owning "total responsibility" and seeking forgiveness forms part of a powerful collective effort to bring about positive change.
Indeed, the practice of ho'oponopono teaches us that our thoughts and actions have an impact on others. And, that true healing, on both a personal and global scale, requires compassion and empathy. We are all connected. What affects one, affects the collective.
What Is The Ho'oponopono Prayer?
Ho'oponopono translates to "to right a wrong." A simple mantra is repeated continuously in order to restore peace and balance where it's been lost.
The ho'oponopono prayer can be used for ancestral healing, and conflicts in relationships or the community. Some people use it as a daily meditation or mindfulness practice, repeating the prayer regularly to maintain a positive outlook, raise their energetic vibration and to release any negativity that may have accumulated over time. It's very simple. Here it is:
"I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you."
The Power Of Ho'oponopono
While Ho'oponopono has a long oral tradition throughout Polynesia, there's a famous story that highlights how effective this approach can be:
Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, a Hawaiian therapist and practitioner of Ho'oponopono, used the prayer to transform mentally ill criminals who were considered dangerous and incurable. While working as a therapist at a high-security prison for the criminally insane in Hawaii, he used the power of the Ho'oponopono prayer to heal the prisoners.
Instead of working directly with the patients, Dr. Len used the Ho'oponopono prayer as a way to work on himself, by taking full responsibility for his own thoughts, emotions, and experiences. He went through each patients file repeating the phrase, "I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you," as a way of releasing negative thoughts and feelings and restoring inner peace and balance. And, the results were astonishing!
As he continued to practice Ho'oponopono, the patients at the hospital began to experience healing and transformation, even though Dr. Len never directly interacted with them. Over time, the patients became less violent, more cooperative, and eventually were able to be released from the hospital.
Dr. Len's work has inspired many people to use this practice as a way of promoting personal healing and transformation, as well as helping others to heal.
The Meaning Of Ho'oponopono
To practice the Ho'oponopono prayer, first quiet your mind, releasing any distractions or negative thoughts. Focus simply on the present moment and the words you're speaking.
If you're saying this prayer for another person, focus on them. You don't need to actually know the person (or persons), but it's important to focus on them in order to send healing vibrations their way.
Now, let's break down what Ho'oponopono means:
I'm sorry: This is the first step in the ho'oponopono prayer. It's important to acknowledge that 'You are responsible for anything that has ever happened to you, or anything wrong that you've witnessed.’ Saying "I'm sorry" is simply a way to acknowledge that wrong was done. This is because we are all one. What affects one, affects the other. Simply acknowledging your responsibility is an important tool in cultivating humility and grace.
Please forgive me: This is the repentance part of Ho'oponopono. In this step, you ask for forgiveness for whatever wrong you are attempting to right. It doesn't matter if you were an active participant in creating the wrong. Asking for forgiveness defuses negativity, reminds you that we are all equal and brings healing to everyone.
Thank you: This expression of gratitude is an important component of the Ho'oponopono practice. Cultivating a positive and thankful state of mind contributes to healing and positive change in one's life.
I love you: "I love you" is a declaration of love and acceptance directed towards yourself, others, and the universe. Saying "I love you" is a powerful way to bring about forgiveness, as well as a way to release negative thoughts and emotions, and to promote inner peace and harmony. The idea behind "I love you" in Ho'oponopono is to cultivate self-love and to acknowledge the interconnectedness of all things, recognizing that everything and everyone is a part of the same universal consciousness. By expressing love and compassion, you can begin the process of healing and transformation, both within yourself and in your relationships with others.
The Original Ho'oponopono Prayer
While many people are familiar with the mantra, "I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you and I love you", few are aware that there is a longer version that preceded the mantra.
This is the full, original ho'oponopono prayer, as given to us by Morrnah Simeona:
“Divine creator, father, mother, son as one… If I, my family, relatives, and ancestors have offended you, your family, relatives, and ancestors in thoughts, words, deeds, and actions from the beginning of our creation to the present, we ask your forgiveness… Let this cleanse, purify, release, cut all the negative memories, blocks, energies, and vibrations, and transmute these unwanted energies to pure light… And it is done.”
Frequently Asked Questions
The specific order in which the phrases are used in the Ho'oponopono prayer isn't important. What's most important is the intention behind the words and the state of mind of the person using the prayer. The four phrases of the Ho'oponopono prayer – "I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you" – are used to cultivate self-awareness, release negative thoughts and emotions, and promote inner peace and harmony.
Yes, Ho'oponopono can be used on yourself! In fact, the primary focus of the practice is to work on yourself, by taking responsibility for your thoughts, emotions, and experiences, and releasing negative patterns and beliefs. By using the prayer on yourself, you're able to work through internal conflicts, clear limiting beliefs, and promote personal growth and healing.
There's no set time frame for how long you should practice Ho'oponopono. Some may use the prayer for a few minutes each day, while others may incorporate it into their daily meditation or mindfulness practice. The length of time you practice Ho'oponopono is largely dependent what feels most effective for you.
It's important to note that Ho'oponopono is a continuous practice, and its benefits can accumulate over time. As you continue to use the prayer, you may find that your thoughts and emotions become more balanced and positive, and that you're better able to handle life's challenges. The key is to be consistent and to use the prayer regularly, regardless of the length of time each session may be.
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