The violet flame is one of the most powerful spiritual tools available to us for healing and transformation. Emerging from the teachings of the 19th-century mystic Saint Germain, the violet flame has the unique power to transmute negative energy. In fact, Saint Germain and his followers believed it was a divine cosmic gift capable of dissolving patterns of fear, resentment, and doubt.

Jump to:
- The Ascended Masters Of The Seven Rays
- Understanding the Properties of the Violet Flame
- The Violet Flame Decree
- A Violet Flame Meditation
- Benefits Of Activation
- Tips For Incorporating The Violet Flame Into Daily Life
- Common Challenges and Solutions
- Final Thoughts
- Resources
- Understanding The 7 Rays
- 🙋Frequently Asked Questions
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In this post, we’ll explore what the violet flame is and where it comes from. Most importantly, I'll cover how you can work with its radiant light for healing, renewal and spiritual awakening.
I’ll share a simple guided meditation to connect with the violet flame so you can start experiencing its beautiful blessings firsthand. When harnessed gently through meditation and visualization, this flame scours your energetic field; it transmutes shadows, doubts and fears into a source of compassion and power. Because the violet flame embodies the highest vibration of mercy, it brings with it the energy of radical forgiveness - for yourself and others. It heals generational wounds and releases you from lower vibrations that no longer serve your spiritual growth.
Most importantly, the violet flame embodies grace and spiritual comfort. My goal with this post is to help you understand this ancient force, so revered by seers, mystics, and philosophers, so you can experience its uplifting gifts for yourself!

The Ascended Masters Of The Seven Rays
To understand the violet flame, we must first look at the "Ascended Master" teachings from the late 1800s mysticism movement called Theosophy.
Theosophy described Seven powerful Rays that beam divine qualities into the world - each overseen by a "Master Being" in the enlightened realms. These masters, having transcended reincarnation, are here to support our spiritual evolution. If you're looking for a more in-depth look at the The Seven Rays, I have a post on that here: The Seven Rays ~ An Introduction.
The Seven Rays and their Ascended Masters are:
- 1st Ray: Will/ Power/ The Power Of The Divine Masculine - Master El Morya
- 2nd Ray: Love/ Wisdom/ The Power Of The Divine Feminine - Master Koot Humi
- 3rd Ray: Active Intelligence - Master Paul the Venetian
- 4th Ray: Harmony through Conflict - Master Serapis Bey
- 5th Ray: Truth & Higher Knowledge - Master Hilarion
- 6th Ray: Devotion & Peace - Lady Master Nada
- 7th Ray: Ceremonial Order/Magic - Master Saint Germain
Followers of Theosophy channeled Saint Germain, who revealed the violet flame - a high-vibration energy that purges negativity and accelerates human enlightenment.
Understanding the Properties of the Violet Flame
The violet flame carries a unique high-vibrational energy with profound transformative effects. On an energetic level, it emits spiritual light beyond the visible range. However some mystics and seers can see it as a flame of vibrant violet color.
The violet flame contains a fiery spiritual energy that begins disintegrating and transmuting lower vibrations. Through a sort of spiritual alchemy, it has the power to instantly neutralize and convert the denser energies of fear, hatred, greed, attachment, or self-sabotage into its higher equivalent.
For example, when you invoke and absorb the violet fire into your energy field, it can transmute:
- Self-criticism into self-love
- Fear into courage
- Apathy into motivation
- Jealousy into appreciation
- Anger into forgiveness
The violet flame is a vehicle for profound emotional, mental and spiritual healing. By dissolving destructive tendencies you carry consciously and unconsciously, it facilitates a cleaner connection with your higher self. Essentially, it clears out dense energy and makes more room for your innate goodness to shine through.
When the violet flame is invoked, anything less than love melts away, while everything already aligned to love and spiritual freedom becomes amplified. The flame's light transmutes and replaces non-loving energies with more luminous frequencies - think resentment turning to forgiveness, or hatred softening into compassion.

The Violet Flame Decree
One of the most powerful ways to harness the transformative properties of the violet flame is through the use of the violet frame decree or mantra. A mantra is a phrase repeated during meditation to create deeper spiritual alignment.
The violet flame mantra serves to invoke and activate the violet fire energy so it can begin its alchemical work of disintegrating negativity and upgrading your energetic vibration. There are a few variations of violet flame mantras taught by Ascended Masters like Saint Germain. The most common invocatory violet flame decree uses the phrase:
"I AM a being of violet fire!
I AM the purity God desires!"
Chanting this mantra during meditation, visualization or affirmative prayer calls forth the violet flame to purify your whole being on all levels - physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. You can further direct the energy by naming specific areas in the body, relationships or situations in one's life that need healing, harmony and a higher vibration anchored in.
The "I AM" within the mantra connects us to source energy and all Ascended Master teachings note the incredible manifestation power within these words. We affirm both our true Divine nature as well as our unifying power with the spiritual gifts streaming from the Ascended realms.
Continue your meditation practice by repeating the mantra and visualize the violet fire filling your body and energy field. Over time, you will notice accelerated healing, breakthroughs and positive transformations.

A Violet Flame Meditation
Find a quiet space to sit comfortably. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Relax and let go of any thoughts or tension.
Visualize yourself surrounded by an orb of brilliant violet light. See it glow and sparkle all around you. This is the energy of the violet flame. Affirm its power by saying inwardly “I AM a being of violet fire, I AM the purity God desires.”
Keep repeating this invocation and visualize the violet light becoming brighter and moving closer to you until you are entirely immersed in its radiant fire. Feel it lightly flickering and dancing over your skin. As you continue chanting the mantra, allow the violet flame to penetrate your entire body from head to toe.
See the fire clearing away any dense or stagnant energies, leaving you feeling lighter and more spacious inside. Observe areas it targets with its healing light – perhaps places you’ve felt emotional, physical or mental pain and struggle. The violet flame now fills those spaces with purification and renewal.
As the violet flame moves through you, it may surface old emotions, memories or thought patterns for healing. Don't resist this process. Just acknowledge whatever comes up with compassion. Visualize the violet fire gently burning away and transmuting any inner darkness, freeing you from past burdens. See and feel areas where those released energies resided now open up - they are clean, clear spaces ready to be filled with more light. Imagine pouring radiant violet light into those spaces. Let this light nourish and renew you.
When you the violet flame working within you, give gratitude for this gift of healing and transformation. Take a few more moments to breathe and stabilize in this purified state before gently opening your eyes. You can repeat this process anytime you feel the need for additional energetic cleansing.
Benefits Of Activation
Incorporating the violet flame into your spiritual practice can accelerate healing, growth and creative manifestation. By dissolving dense energies that block you from your higher self, profound states of peace, clarity, inner power and divine connection can emerge.
Many dedicated spiritual seekers make connecting with the purifying violet fire a foundational practice. Some benefits include:
💜Emotional Healing & Inner Peace: The violet flame cleanses wounds, traumas and destructive emotional patterns accumulated over lifetimes. In the cleared space new positive qualities blossom like self-love, confidence, resilience and peace of mind.
💜Empowered Manifestation: Aligning with the high vibration of the violet fire transmutes “stuckness” by sweeping away doubts, fears and perceived limitations. And, as you embody higher states of conciousness, your desired outcomes manifest more freely.
💜Soul Purpose Activation: As you heal, your spiritual calling will reveal itself. In this way, it helps you achieve your higher purpose.
The key is consistency. Make accessing the violet fire a regular spiritual practice and it will reveal its gifts to you.

Tips For Incorporating The Violet Flame Into Daily Life
Integrate with Existing Practices
If you have a regular meditation or affirmation practice, call in the violet flame energy before you begin. Visualize it burning away stress or obstacles that might hinder your focus. Then dedicate the practice to your highest good.
You can also add the "I AM Violet Flame" mantra to anchor the energy throughout rituals like yoga, breathwork, creativity sessions or spiritual study.
Create Daily Reminders
Set phone alerts with affirmations, put violet flame candle images as wallpaper visual cues, or write the mantra somewhere visible like your bathroom mirror. Find little ways to spark remembrance of this spiritual tool throughout your day.
Cleanse Energy Fields
Before interactions where you want to show up fully present and aligned with your higher purpose, take a moment to imagine the violet flame around your body - especially around your heart chakra , throat chakra and third eye chakra. This ensures your energy stays clear.
Transmute Challenges
When confronted with triggers, anxiety, fatigue or discord, visualize violet fire transmuting those blockages. Say inwardly: "Violet flame in action now! Make all things new for me!". Trust its dissolving-restoring spiritual force.
Consistency Over Intensity
You don't need long, straining violet fire meditation sessions for it to uplift your life. Daily consistency is much more valuable. Even calling it in for a few seconds is helpful. Make regular contact and trust divine timing to unfold its gifts. Know more joy is coming!
The violet flame gives you a simple, potent way to accelerate the ascent of your consciousness.
Common Challenges and Solutions
Working with any spiritual practice takes commitment. Here are some common challenges that may arise with incorporating violet flame practices into your life, and ways to overcome them:
Not Seeing Results Quickly: The violet flame works gently over time. Remind yourself that transformation will unfolds organically according to your own inner wisdom and timing. Observe subtle positive changes.
Mental Distraction: Our monkey minds can interfere with meditation! Don't judge yourself. Just gently return focus if your mind wanders. Or try including a violet flame mantra.
Fatigue or Discomfort: It takes energy to transmute dense energies! Balance yourself with grounding practices. Short, frequent sessions prevent strain. Massage your shoulders/neck if tension arises.
Lacking Motivation: Make your practice a rewarding ritual - use violet candles, crystals, essential oils. Explore what inspires you. Consistency is the key.
Final Thoughts
Working with the violet flame gives you access to one of the most powerful spiritual purification tools available for accelerated growth. By directing this sacred fire through your energy systems, you can clear blockages and raise your vibration.
It’s fitting this tool is associated with the color violet — which represents the highest frequency band within the light spectrum. Violet is also the color of the crown chakra - the gateway that connects you with the divine realm.
When you visualize and bathe in violet light, you stimulate and cleanse your crown chakra. This allows oneness consciousness to flow between Source Energy and your 3d Self. Any crown chakra blocks the violet flame encounters, it will melt away.
I encourage you to start blending this ancient spiritual light into your daily life. Have patience and trust in the process. Know that profound healing happens in perfect rhythm with your soul's unique path.
As you consistently immerse yourself in the violet fire, you can unlock the next phase of your soul’s awakening. Here’s to embracing the remembrance of the divine being of light you truly are!
- Elizabeth Clare Prophet’s book “The Violet Flame” - This book explores the origins of the violet flame teachings in depth from the Ascended Masters, how the energy works.
- The Summit Lighthouse Website – This spiritual organization founded by Mark & Elizabeth Prophet hosts livestreaming violet flame events, blog articles, radio shows and teaching from Ascended Master Saint Germain.
- – This site curates a wide selection of violet flame prayers, invocations, decrees, audio meditations and healing music free to use for your spiritual practice.
- This Violet Flame Cleansing Meditation by Naomi Goodlet on YouTube.

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🙋Frequently Asked Questions
Some signs the violet flame is activating transformation include feeling lighter, having more mental clarity, increased creativity or intuitive insights, breakthroughs around stagnant situations, more inner peace and emotional resilience. Changes happen gradually so patience and trust in the process is essential.
The simplicity of the violet flame is you can access it anywhere, anytime through visualization, prayer, and mantras. However, some find violet candles, crystals like amethyst, spiritual imagery, soothing music or being in nature help them connect deeply during meditation. Trust your intuition.
Consistency over time amplifies results more than sporadic long sessions. Calling in the violet fire for even 30 seconds whenever you remember (upon waking, going to sleep etc.) will have beneficial effects. Most teachers recommend daily contact, even briefly, to accelerate spiritual growth. But, above all - honor your own rhythms.
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