The 7 card tarot spread, also known as the horseshoe spread, is one of the most time-honored layouts in cartomancy. This classic semi-circular arrangement gives the reader a panoramic, multi-dimensional look at any situation.

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- How To Lay Out The Horseshoe Spread
- Preparing For A Tarot Reading
- Working With Tarot Cards
- How To Read A 7 Card Tarot Spread
- The 7 Positions In A Horseshoe Spread
- Connecting The Cards
- When To Use The 7 Card Tarot Spread
- The Celtic Cross
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Solar Logos Tarot
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As the name suggests, the cards are laid out in a chunky U-shape, or horseshoe pattern. This particular spread is thought to have originated in Europe sometime in the 18th or 19th century, though its exact origins are a bit murky.
The beauty of the horseshoe spread is that it allows for a well-rounded, multi-faceted reading that touches on all of the aspects that might be affecting the final outcome of the question being asked. Each card position reveals something new about the situation being explored. It's a great go-to for general life readings and major questions.
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How To Lay Out The Horseshoe Spread
- Card 1 is laid on the left "arm" of the horseshoe
- Cards 2 and 3 curve underneath card 1 to meet card 4 in the middle
- Then cards 5, 6, and 7 ascend up the right arm of the horseshoe from card 4 at the base (see my diagram below.)
So it forms a continuous fluid horseshoe shape, starting on the left arm, arching down to the center, then up the right arm.
Some readers choose to flip the layout upside down. It's really up to you.
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Preparing For A Tarot Reading
Before delving into the intricate layers of the 7 card horseshoe spread, it's important to first establish a sacred space. Take a moment to clear your mind, ground yourself, and connect to your intuitive abilities. Some readers like to cleanse their tarot deck by knocking on it or cleansing it with sacred smoke.
As you're shuffling and preparing to lay out the spread, reflect on the question or focus you'll be exploring. Allow the images and symbols to speak to you. Breathe deeply and open your higher self to any messages that wish to come through.
When reading the horseshoe layout, avoid strictly literal or predictive interpretations of each card in isolation. Instead, form a cohesive narrative by exploring the connections, polarities, and interactions between all 7 positions as an interrelated whole. Look for patterns, elemental dignitaries, and repeated imagery, colors or numbers.
Treat the spread as a dialogue by asking follow-up questions as needed. Work collaboratively with the querent, exploring their own intuitive hits and personal symbolism sparked by the cards. What is being illuminated about their past experiences, present circumstances, inner psychology, and potential path ahead?
Working With Tarot Cards
The tarot is an ancient storybook brimming with potent archetypes and symbolic wisdom. However, the cards' meanings are not fixed - you must tap into your own higher self and intuitive voice. A particular card could resonate with one symbolic interpretation for one reader, yet spark a completely different personal meaning for another.
If you're just beginning your tarot journey, it's wise to start by referencing traditional card interpretations found in guidebooks and other resources. This gives you a foundational familiarity with the conventional symbolism. As you develop a deeper relationship with the tarot through study and practice, you'll be able to access your intuitive insights on a more profound level during readings.
The most impactful tarot readings happen when you can move beyond rote memorization and truly embody the living archetypes within the cards through your own psyche and life experiences. This is when the ancient symbols reveal new layers of wisdom and healing relevance attuned to your unique perspective as both reader and seeker.
How To Read A 7 Card Tarot Spread
In this section, we'll delve into what each position represents in the 7 card tarot spread. I've given you a sample reading, that you can use a general reference point for how to read a particular card in relation to its position in a spread.
For the sake of brevity, I haven't included connections between many of the surrounding cards, and have instead focused on the isolated meaning of the card in its given position. In a real reading, you must make connections between the other cards, engaging the querent in a dialogue as you move through the reading.
The 7 Positions In A Horseshoe Spread

1. The Past
The first card, at the top left of the horseshoe, represents the past situation. It reveals factors from the past that led up to the querent's present circumstances.
In our spread we have the Ace Of Cups. Because this card is in the past position, it could be indicating a new relationship, creative project or spiritual experience that set the stage for where you are now. It might also be referencing a period when they were feeling more emotionally fulfilled, joyful and appreciative before the present circumstances emerged.
2. The Present
The second position in a 7 card tarot spread reveals the querent's present situation, or the crux of the matter being asked about.
In our spread we have The Eight Of Wands, which is all about movement, progress, action and forward momentum. Because this card fell in the present position it could mean that things are happening quickly in the querent's life right now. In any event, major shifts are taking place and they're making rapid progress towards their goals. It could also signal communication that they've been waiting for coming in.
3. Hidden Influences
In the horseshoe spread, Position 3 reveals the hidden influences affecting the situation in question. In our spread, we have the Two Of Swords reversed.
This could mean that feelings or internal struggles that the querent has buried can no longer be avoided; they're now surfacing, and there's no choice but to face them and deal with them. They may have been living in denial about certain situation or purposefully turning a blind eye to situations that now need their attention. The reversed Two Of Swords signals they can no longer remain indecisive - a choice must be made.
4. The Obstacle
The fourth card shows what's standing in the querent's way or blocking them from progressing with the situation at hand.
The Ace of Swords in this position suggests the obstacle they are facing is one of needing a new perspective, brutal honesty, or making a mentally tough but clear-headed decision. As an ace, it represents the seed of an opportunity for clarity through logic and truth, but that truth may be difficult to accept. They may need to powerfully sever old mindsets or cut through confusion to overcome this hurdle. The sharp mind and discernment symbolized by this ace is both the obstacle and the solution.
Connecting The Cards
The reversed Two of Swords in the hidden influences position and the Ace of Swords as the obstacle could indicate:
There are inner conflicts, doubts or blind spots that the querent has been avoiding or repressing that are now demanding to be faced and resolved. The Ace of Swords represents the difficult but necessary first step of cutting through denial to gain the clarity and mental fortitude required to overcome this obstruction.
5. Environment
The fifth position in the 7 card tarot spread represents the external environment, influences and surrounding circumstances affecting the situation.
With the Seven of Swords appearing here, it could be telling you that people around you are deceitful. There could be shady motives, secrecy or underhanded tactics being used that are impacting your situation from the outside.
Alternatively, this card can indicate that you're the one being evasive or not fully upfront about your motivations. Either way, the Seven of Swords implies the need to watch for betrayal, be cautious about sleight of hand, and not take things at face value in your surroundings.
6. The Best Course Of Action
Position six reveals the best path, strategy or next steps to take in relation to the question.
The Eight of Cups in this position in a horseshoe spread, could be telling you that you need to walk away from something that's no longer serving you emotionally or spiritually. In this "best course" position, it could be advising you that the wisest approach is to move on from an unfulfilling situation, relationship or mindset that has run its course. Staying stagnant is likely to do more harm than good.
7. The Final Outcome
The seventh card in a 7 card tarot spread reveals the final outcome that will manifest if things continue along their current trajectory.
In this position, The Hanged Man suggests that you may experience a period of suspension or feeling stuck, forcing you to shift perspectives and see things from an unconventional angle. This may require sacrificing your old way of being or thinking in order to move forward.
Though frustrating, this state of suspension will give you a chance to reflect and release any attempts to control the situation. This period of self-reflection might be just what you need to gain the insight you need to move ahead. The resolution will come through radical acceptance and your willingness to view the situation through a different spiritual or philosophical lens.

When To Use The 7 Card Tarot Spread
The classic 7 card tarot spread is definitely one of the workhorses of tarot readings. It gives you a complete multi-dimensional overview into whatever situation you need clarity on.
Whether you're going through a difficult adjustment or just want to do a deep-dive general life check-in, the horseshoe spread has you covered. It's perfect for really analyzing relationship issues and career dilemmas. The horseshoe lays it all out - the past influences, present details, the external factors swirling around, your internal hang-ups and fears, plus where things could be headed if you follow a certain course of action.
It's like having a personal tarot therapist or life coach mapped out in card form. You get to see the potential outcomes based on different choices. So it's really helpful if you're trying to manifest something or just need advice on getting unstuck from a rut.
Anytime you want a full 360-degree perspective with a focus on practical next steps - lean on the 7 card tarot spread to illuminate your path from all angles.

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Frequently Asked Questions
The 7 positions represent: 1) Past, 2) Present, 3) Future, 4) Obstacle, 5) External Influences, 6) Best Course of Action, 7) Likely Outcome.
The continuous horseshoe shape represents the cyclical nature of life events and how the past, present, and future are interconnected and influence each other.
While comprehensive for overall life readings, the 7 card tarot spread can absolutely be used to analyze a very specific situation, relationship, career issue, or any particular area of focus by phrasing your question accordingly before laying out the cards.

check out my own original tarot deck!
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Solar Logos tarot is my first, original tarot deck. It's a 78 card deck based on the Rider Waite deck. It comes with a guidebook. I hope you check it out!
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