The past few years have been challenging for everyone! More people are working from home than ever before, and our lifestyles have changed in numerous ways. Not only have we become more sedentary, we've started reaching for more unhealthy comfort foods.
That’s why 2024 is the perfect time to go vegan. Start fresh by improving your health in multiple ways. Plus, you’ll be protecting the environment at the same time.

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Jumping into the vegan world can be overwhelming, especially if you've grown up a meat-eater. I've compiled a list of 10 reasons why you should try veganism, as well as some resources you can use for additional information.
Why Go Vegan?
If you're wondering, "Why go vegan?" the answer to this question is different for everyone. Some people choose veganism for the numerous health benefits this lifestyle offers, and some go vegan for ethical reasons. Whatever your reason, you'll benefit immensely on a health front, plus you’ll be helping out the planet along the way!
Vegan Vs. Vegetarian
You may be wondering what the difference is between a vegan diet versus a vegetarian diet. A vegan diet does not include meat, dairy, honey or any animal products. Typically, a vegan diet is primarily plant-based.
Vegetarians avoid meat products but typically still consume dairy and some animal products.
10 Benefits of Veganism And Why You Should Go Vegan in 2024
Let’s dive into the benefits and reasons to go vegan this year. If you’re on the fence or even just considering veganism, these points should help you make an informed decision.
1. Improved Digestion
Do you ever feel sluggish? Or bloated? Well, one of the main benefits of veganism is improved digestion. Dairy products can be difficult for many people to digest, resulting in bloating and reduced energy levels . A plant based diet is dairy free, meaning you're freeing up a lot of energy that may have been wasted in digesting animal products.
Most vegans also consume more fruits and vegetables which are naturally high in fiber. Fiber is essential for healthy digestion.
2. Lower Blood Pressure
Meat consumption has been connected to an increase in blood pressure and clogged arteries—especially red meat. Across the board, meat eaters have poorer heart function and stiffer arteries - all markers for cardiovascular disease. A vegan diet is naturally free of these unhealthy elements, meaning your new lifestyle is heart healthy!

3. Protect The Environment
A vegan diet has many environmentally protective benefits. A study done by the University of Oxford concluded that excluding meat and dairy from your diet can cut your carbon footprint by a whopping 73%. Reducing your carbon footprint means you can have a direct impact on reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
So, how do greenhouse gas emissions affect you?
Greenhouse gases are what contribute to global warming. Some effects of global warming include higher average temperatures each year, melting snowcaps, and higher water levels. As our planet warms, we're beginning to see more weather related natural disasters that have negative long-term effects on crops. A vegan lifestyle helps decrease greenhouse gas emissions and can slow down global warming.
4. Maintain A Healthy Weight
Beyond the above health reasons, a big reason people explore veganism is to lose weight or maintain their weight. While there are no guarantees, it's easier to maintain a healthy weight when meat and dairy products are excluded from your diet.
Meat and dairy tend to have high levels of fat and calories. In contrast, vegan meals consist mainly of fruits, vegetables, grains, and healthy fats. You can consume more significant portions of food for the same number of calories (or less), making it easier to feel fuller longer.

5. Protect The Animals
One of the main reasons to go vegan is to protect animals from the cruel treatment they receive at farms. The majority of animals raised to be slaughtered for food are reared on factory farms and slaughtered at a very young age. Often, factory farm reared animals are fed unhealthy foods meant to promote weight gain instead of nutritionally beneficial foods. Also, many animals stay in small, tight cages. When we think about where our food is coming from, it's easier to opt for plant-based meals instead of meat dishes.
Not only does this apply to the food you eat, but you can protect the animals in other ways, such as how you dress and what products you use. An easy way to do this is by avoiding leather clothes and products (like purses) and choosing items that aren't tested on animals.
6. Meat Isn't Necessary For Healthy Living
Contrary to popular belief, you don't need to eat meat in order to have a healthy lifestyle. Many people are sold on the idea that a large amount of protein is needed to thrive. However, some studies have revealed that most people are consuming way more protein than necessary (source: Dietary Protein Intake And Human Health.) Americans are eating double the amount of protein needed each day – this is true for both meat-eaters and plant-based eaters.
There are easy ways to meet your protein needs while choosing a vegan lifestyle. There are protein powders, protein bars, and more that can be used as a supplement. Or, opt for tofu, meat alternatives, legumes, nuts, and other more natural protein sources. There is no shortage of available ways to get your protein needs met, and we can all benefit from eating less protein in general.
7. Unsanitary Animal Products
If you had to read the book "The Jungle" in school, you'll know what I'm talking about! While conditions have improved since Upton Sinclair wrote this book in the 1900s, meat (and the way it's processed) is still unsanitary.
Often, meat will have traces of "bodily fluids" . If you're thinking yuck, that's correct! It's hard to justify eating something that's not clean or properly kept.
8. Have More Energy
This is a big one! As mentioned above, eating meat and dairy products can make you feel sluggish because it takes so much energy for your body to digest them.
A good way to think about it is, if your body is spending so much energy on digesting something, it only has a small amount of energy left for the rest of your tasks. If you’re concerned about not getting enough Vitamin D or Calcium when you go vegan, there’s nothing to worry about.
You can add vitamins to your morning routine or try some nondairy milk – many options have calcium and Vitamin D added in.
9. Increased Resources For The World
Did you know becoming vegan helps save 1,100 gallons of water per day (source: PanMacmillan)? That may seem like a crazy high number, but you need to consider how much water it takes to raise each animal. Now, consider the number of grains and food needed to feed these animals.
With these resources being allocated to animals, this creates a food shortage for people. Instead of using the water and food to feed these animals, the food could help those in need. Believe it or not, 50% of grains produced in the world go to feeding the animals bred as food. That's enough food to feed hundreds of millions of people (source: A Well-Fed World.)
Imagine a world where no one was starving or lacking water.
10. Try New Vegan Recipes
This is one of the tastiest reasons to go on a vegan diet – the recipes you get to try. Often people think that becoming vegan is too restrictive. Or, that vegans eat salads all day long! Nothing could be further from the truth.
While it does require cutting out dairy and meat, a vegan diet is not at all restrictive. There are so many delicious and healthy plant based alternatives available today, that vegans are spoiled for choice. It's never been easier to go vegan! Vegans can enjoy everything from pancakes to curries.
With vegan butter and dairy free milk, you can bake your favorite treats; Fancy a bit of cake? Try this luscious three layer vegan strawberry cake. Meat substitutes like Beyond Meat allow you to enjoy meatless burgers and you can experiment with making your own vegan meat substitutes like this vegan bacon; there's even meatless jerky now! The possibilities are endless, and it creates a fun environment where you get to be creative and test out new recipes. For some inspiration, you can check out the categories below.
Still Wondering Why Go Vegan?
If the above reasons don't convince you to try veganism, there's more! Something that many people notice is clearer skin as a result of avoiding dairy and meat.
Dairy is a major cause of breakouts and blemishes in many people. Breakouts happen for multiple reasons. For some, it's due to dairy intolerance. Blemishes are a way of your body acknowledging that it's not properly digesting dairy products. Many people experience clear skin once the dairy consumption stops (source: Pubmed)
Another theory is that the hormones in cow's milk (both artificial and natural) can cause a spike in hormones within one's body (source: Very Well Health.) This can cause breakouts to appear. Whatever the case, there have been many cases in which people's skin cleared up when they stopped drinking and eating dairy products.
Another benefit? You just feel better. Without dairy and meat in your diet, you'll be consuming more fresh fruits and vegetables.Fruit and veg have abundant nutrients that are beneficial to your overall health in so many ways. Beyond your skin clearing up, it may also look brighter. You may experience less brain fog during the day ; you'll sleep better as well. So, what's stopping you?

⭐Tips On How To Become A Vegan
Okay, you’re convinced. Now what? There are multiple ways to transition to a new healthy, plant based diet. Some people go cold turkey after watching documentaries about the mistreatment of animals, and for others, it can take some time to change their eating habits. Here are some steps to make it easier to transition to veganism.
1. Start slow
You don't need to rush into veganism and move forward with an all-or-nothing mentality. It's a lifestyle change, which means it may take longer. Do your research and test which foods work well with your body. Start by removing meat and dairy products for one day a week. Slowly add additional meat free days until you eat meatless meals every day.
2. Experiment with food
Cooking vegan recipes can take some time to get used to. Meat alternatives tend to require more seasoning (including tofu), and vegan baking can take a bit of practice. You'll get there; it just takes practice! Start with yummy, but simple things like these 15 tofu marinades.
3. Keep in mind your why
Knowing your reasons for wanting to go vegan will help you stay on track. Whether shifting to this lifestyle to be healthier or for ethical reasons, reminding yourself of this will help you on your journey.
4. Research restaurants before going
If you think you can't eat out as a vegan, you're wrong! Many restaurants offer vegan options or they can easily "veganize" a dish for you. Look at the menu before heading out and formulate your game plan. It will be that much easier when you're at the restaurant.
Final Thoughts On Going Vegan
Going vegan can seem like an overwhelming task. You're changing your whole lifestyle! Don't stress; it can take some time to get used to eating different foods initially. However, it gets easier as you get comfortable with your new diet.
It’s not as difficult a task as you might imagine. There are many support systems and information online to assist with any questions you may have.
Even if you decide to go meatless for 1-2 days a week instead of changing your whole lifestyle, that will still benefit the environment and your health. Don’t be afraid to try a few vegan meals and see what you think!
Going vegan can seem like an overwhelming task. You're changing your whole lifestyle after living however many years as a meat-eater. Don't stress; it can take some time to get used to eating different foods initially. However, it gets easier as you get comfortable with the new food items.
It’s not as difficult a task as you might imagine. There are many support systems and information online to assist with any questions you may have.
Vegan Websites/ Resources For More Information
Looking for more information on veganism? Here are some excellent resources/ vegetarian and vegan websites that may help answer any additional questions you may have.
- Download My Free Vegan Grocery List For Beginners
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