Recipe Inspiration

Chia Banana Smoothie With Peanut Butter

health benefits of Bananas

Bananas are incredibly nutritous. Research has shown that they may benefit weight loss, digestion and heart health

This is my favorite ways to enjoy bananas. Enjoy!


Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it! Banana smoothies are super creamy and good for you.

Prep Time: 5 Min


1 – roasted banana *see instructions – 1 cup almond milk – ¼ cup rolled oats – 2 tablespoons peanut butter – 1 tablespoon shredded coconut – 8 almonds finely chopped – 1 date pitted and chopped – 1 tablespoon chia seeds – ½ teaspoon cinnamon – 1½ cups ice cubes

– Preheat oven to 300 °F (150° C). Line a baking tray with parchment paper or foil. – Rinse the unpeeled banana and transfer it to the baking tray. Using the tines of a fork, poke a few sets of holes in the banana peel. Bake for 15-25 minutes, or until the skins are black and shiny.

Pop the roasted banana into the blender with all the other ingredients, except the ice.

Step 2

Add the ice and give it a good blitz in the blender.  Pour into a glass and enjoy!

Step 3

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