how to celebrate


Yellow Leaves

Beltane is a celebration of spring and fertility that spans thousands of years. For the ancient Celts, Beltane marked the beginning of summer. Because of this, it was a time for honoring the gods and goddesses of nature and the spirits of the land.

Lighting a bonfire is a traditional way to celebrate Beltane. After all, it is called "The Festival Of Fire."

Make A Bonfire

Dance Around The Maypole

The maypole is a traditional symbol of Beltane. Dancing around it is a fun, joyful way to celebrate the arrival of summer.

Green Round Banner

Make A

flower crown

take a sacred bath

Taking a sacred bath on Beltane is a wonderful way to honor the season and connect with the energies of the earth.

pick flowers

The Celtic people decorated their homes and sacred spaces with the flowers they picked on Beltane, as a way of honoring the season and connecting with the energy of nature.

make a feast

Serve foods that are fresh and seasonal, and take time to enjoy the company of loved ones.

cord cutting rituals

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